Saturday, March 20, 2010

Losing it week 2 - 4

Okay, okay, okay, I know I havent been here for a few weeks. I have not totally dissapeared off the face of the earth, just been hectically busy. I was away for the first week with work and then sick for a few days of the second. ON top of that I have been lecturing full time for 5 weeks, so not had much chance. I have managed to be fairly good though although Coke is still my downfall.

Weight lost: 0.95% (1.84% altogether)
Water: Fairly good on most days, but have slipped up occasionally
Eating healthily: Also good, but see Coke above, have slipped up there, although not as much as normal.

I promise to be back next week with a more full and hopefully more successful update. Losing it is here

Friday, February 26, 2010

Losing it week 1

Ok, well I didnt have as good a week as I could have. Partly because the weather was so shockingly hot, and that just feeds my Coke addiction! Nothing beats the heat like a Coke. I have really tried to drink water though and did manage to lost some weight, but I know that I could have lost more. I also had a farewell and a baby shower at work and those put a dent in my weight loss. Dont seem to have much will power at the moment.

Weight Lost: 0.89%
Eating healthy: 3 days out of 5 (only started this on Sunday)
Water: average, did manage to drink at least 3 a day, which is good considering I usually drink none, but not as good as I would like it to be!

Hopefully this week will be better! Losing it is over here

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Losing it

For a while now I have been aware that I really need to do something about my weight. In fact, not only my weight, but various other things in my life, but I am hoping that the weight loss will affect everything indirectly. I have been overweight for years, and have been getting progressively bigger and bigger each year. Although I have always been active and healthy, the last few months this has been progressively harder and I can feel myself getting more and more tired. Also, I have been getting breathless if I do too much exercise, but even with day to day things like walking up the stairs. Today I saw on Ashleigh's blog that she and a couple of friends are setting up a weight loss challenge over the next few weeks. Although, being so far away, I wouldnt expect to get any prizes if I did win, I have decided to join in with them for my own health, and my prize will be weight loss. So, I have dusted off this blog, changed the name, deleted the old posts (dont want to be reminded of previous failed attempts) and I am off on my journey!
My goals for the next 10 weeks.
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
  • Try to eat 3 healthy meals, plus snacks each day
  • I would like to lose 10 kgs, ie. 1 a week, but wont beat myself up if I lose a bit less.
  • Once I have lost a few kgs I would like to go back to aquarobics.
  • Post on here, at least once a week and link up to here